Traditions Bank Commercial Banking Partners, Mike Kelly (left) and Mike Sharp (4th from left), who are also Veterans, were proud to help present the check from the Christmas Emergency Fund to "For the Love of a Veteran" representatives.
Each holiday season, the York Daily Record offers readers the opportunity to help our community through the Christmas Emergency Fund. The beneficiary of this year’s fund is For the Love of a Veteran, an organization devoted to supporting veterans and their families, particularly veterans experiencing homelessness or battling PTSD.
For the Love of a Veteran aims to help the ones that selflessly protect our lives everyday. The men and women who fight for our country not only risk their lives, but they sacrifice the little things in life as well, whether it is missing a family holiday, a school play, a kid’s baseball game, etc. These brave individuals put it all on the line so we can live a free life, and through For the Love of a Veteran, they aim to give back to those brave men and women.
The organization is currently supporting over 5,500 deployed troops. Donors have the opportunity to send care packages to deployed soldiers. For the Love of a Veteran also helps homeless veterans by giving them backpacks filled with supplies. During the holiday season, they also send out gift cards to active military members and veterans as well. For the Love of a Veteran hosts events in the area throughout the year in an effort to raise money for soldiers and veterans.
Traditions Bank has long partnered with YDR in this effort, accepting donations mailed in by readers, accounting for the funds and disbursing them — all free of charge so every penny goes back to the sponsored organization. Thanks to everyone’s generosity and true holiday spirit, the 2019 effort raised a grand total of $21,304. The check was presented to the organization during the February York County Economic Alliance After Hours event at LocalIQ in York.