Pictured with Bob Woods, Executive Director for United Way of York County (second from right) are Traditions Bank representatives (left to right) Carolyn Schaefer, Managing Director of Specialized Banking; Gene Draganosky, President & CEO; and Melissa Moore, Personal Banking Delivery Specialist and coordinator of the donations.

Christmas Emergency Fund Raises over $13,000 for United Way


Pictured with Bob Woods, Executive Director for United Way of York County (second from right) are Traditions Bank representatives (left to right) Carolyn Schaefer, Managing Director of Specialized Banking; Gene Draganosky, President & CEO; and Melissa Moore, Personal Banking Delivery Specialist and coordinator of the donations.

The York Daily Record/Evening Sun, through their annual Christmas Emergency Fund, teamed up with Traditions Bank and United Way of York County to raise money for four United Way partner agencies whose services provide critical basic needs for families and individuals in York County. These programs include: Bell Socialization Services, Community Progress Council, New Hope Ministries, and The Salvation Army. Through contributions from readers, a total of $13,762.00 was collected.

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